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No support for the Internet Explorer 8 or older versions

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Please use a newer version of the Internet Explorer or any other modern browser. The Internet Explorer 8 is no longer maintained by Microsoft. Because of this, the website is not optimized for this version or older versions of the Internet Explorer. Thank you very much for your understanding.

Career Exchange for Trade Fairs

Career Exchange for Trade Fairs

CAREERXCHANGE - The career exchange for your trade fair

Enhance your trade fair with an attractive service! That is the goal! To achieve this, we have developed, tested and successfully launched CAREERXCHANGE. De Causmaecker & Associates organises your career exchange and your trade fair presence, and publishes details of the exhibitors' vacancies on a website integrated into your own website. Interested visitors are given career advice free of charge. They can then select the vacancies that suit them then and there, at the stand, and then go and visit the company's stand. The vacancies are of course also published on your own trade fair website. If you are interested, please give us a call or write to us. We will help you define the most appropriate career concept for your own trade fair.

Euromold Karrierebörse

The EuroMold is a technology trade fair for automobile, sub-contracting, electric and electronic industries, household appliances, medical devices, consumer goods as well as air and space travel.

Common cause in the service of drug discovery: On the 'House of Pharma' Event on 26 and 27 May 2014 in Marburg, internationally well known scientists and selected experts from the industrial application of current research projects talk about the topic 'Success Stories of Preclinical Research between Academia and Industry' and discuss fundamental problems, requirements and prospects of the drug and pharmaceutical research. Together with Prof. Dr. Harald zur Hausen of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and Prof. Dr. Tom Steitz of Yale University, two Nobel Prize winners offer their expertise as Key Speakers.
As part of the Industrial Exhibition on May 27, De Causmaecker & Associates present themselves as HR consulting company with a pronounced expertise in the fields of pharmaceuticals and healthcare. Take advantage of the conversation with our experts - we look forward to meeting you!