Kein Support für den Internet Explorer 8 oder ältere Versionen
No support for the Internet Explorer 8 or older versions

Bitte nutzen Sie eine neuere Version des Internet Explorers oder einen anderen aktuellen Browser. Der Internet Explorer 8 wird von Microsoft nicht mehr unterstützt. Daher ist die Website für diese oder ältere Versionen des Internet Explorers nicht optimiert. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

Please use a newer version of the Internet Explorer or any other modern browser. The Internet Explorer 8 is no longer maintained by Microsoft. Because of this, the website is not optimized for this version or older versions of the Internet Explorer. Thank you very much for your understanding.

Pieter Brabants

Pieter Brabants



» Nothing happens without good reason! Our success relies on securing the right person at the right time for the right position.

Commercial engineer with extensive expertise in Business Development, Engineering, Professional Services and Education. Became a business consultant after gaining an MBA at Antwerp Management School. Experienced and committed to identifying the right person at the right time for the right position.

Industries & Functions

Industrial & Manufacturing

Pressure to innovate and the pursuit of optimum quality at competitive prices impose heavy demands on manufacturing industry. New opportunities need to be researched, risks need to be controlled, and the length of the product pipeline is becoming ever more critical. Executives must fulfil these requirements, and more than ever before, they must to combine the art of engineering with professional business management skills.

Business & Professional Services

Business & Professional Services must employ excellent executives who possess a range of very specific characteristics and abilities. These are vital for the achievement of sustained success and to turn innovations into fundamental elements of their business and services.

Life Sciences, Pharma & Medical Equipment

In the developed industrial countries, and also in other heavily populated parts of the world, companies face major challenges in both the medical equipment and healthcare fields. There is a need for executives with quite specific skills, who will be capable of pinpointing opportunities and making the right decisions.

Specialist fields

Mastery? Motivation? Matching?
Executive Search & Recruiting
VIACOPA® Search & Recruiting


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