Kein Support für den Internet Explorer 8 oder ältere Versionen
No support for the Internet Explorer 8 or older versions

Bitte nutzen Sie eine neuere Version des Internet Explorers oder einen anderen aktuellen Browser. Der Internet Explorer 8 wird von Microsoft nicht mehr unterstützt. Daher ist die Website für diese oder ältere Versionen des Internet Explorers nicht optimiert. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

Please use a newer version of the Internet Explorer or any other modern browser. The Internet Explorer 8 is no longer maintained by Microsoft. Because of this, the website is not optimized for this version or older versions of the Internet Explorer. Thank you very much for your understanding.






Functions (across all industries)

Executive Management & Board

To get companies on track and keep them there in the long term, the senior management must make brave decisions, while avoiding serious mistakes. While this is true in relation to practical decisions, it applies all the more to the appointment of executives to the boards of management and control.

Finance & Accounting

The impact of excellent performance by executives in these corporate functional areas is crucial impact to a company's success. Individuals with detailed knowledge and a good overview are sought.

Manufacturing & Technology

Thanks to innovations such as 'Industrie 4.0' or the Internet of Things (IoT), executives have access to the full range of potential managerial skills within manufacturing industry. Specialists with the managerial skills of generalists are needed. Digital tools facilitate teamwork and the successful planning of day-to-day production. The ability to react to market changes and to optimise production require ongoing learning, the identification of weaknesses within the factory and value-centred production planning.

Research & Development

The breakneck speed of innovation in the technology sector and the associated almost limitless expansion of technological applications mean that executives must be extraordinarily decisive. In the field of development in particular, this translates into a willingness to identify promising opportunities, introduce technologies and become involved in cooperative ventures.

Marketing & Sales

Increasingly complex markets offering comparable goods and services represent a challenge to marketing and sales departments. Executives in both these functional areas within companies cooperate in the development of methods and tools that will increase sales revenues.

Human Resources

In a world of increasing globalisation and cross-border cooperative ventures, HR policy matters, along with innovative HR plans and solutions, become even more important. Excellent specialists with entrepreneurial expertise and thorough knowledge of the business world are sought.

Specialist fields


For companies: I am looking forward to your call or email. It will be a pleasure for me to illustrate our innovative and unrivalled approach in a face-to-face meeting. The result will convince you!

For candidates: You can benefit from our excellent network and unrivalled approach. Please get in touch with us referring to one of the published projects. Also to not published, strictly confidential projects. Take the chance and give me a call. Alternatively, please send your CV by email. I will call you back as soon as possible.

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